Team 29B is driven by a sustainability mission to design, implement, and manage innovative solutions that minimize environmental impact, promote social responsibility, and contribute to a sustainable future. Our commitment lies in environmental stewardship while incorporating sustainable practices into our operations. With a focus on continuous improvement, we strive to be leaders in the IT industry, driving positive change for the planet, society, and future generations while delivering responsible technology solutions to our customers.


Uncover the wealth of information presented in the documentation below, inviting you to explore the depths of our sustainability mission and the conscientious technology solutions we provide.

Team29B Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Team29B Environmental Sustainability Mission Statement

Our Objectives:

Goal #1:
Reducing paper use by 75% – 90% by 2025 through electronic billing and Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payments.

Goal #2:
Team 29B targets 50% adoption of curbside kitchen waste composting by employees at home by 2025. We’ll track recycling, aiming for 25% annual increase, cutting landfill waste and providing compost for gardens and local farmers.